Macro Cnaphth9]

This macro typesets the aromatic naphthalene ring system, the fully saturated decalin ring system, and the 1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene shown in the diagram. The position numbers 1–8 are specified by the nomenclature rules of chemistry.

$\displaystyle \naphth$$R1$$R2$$R3$$R4$$R5$$R6$$R7$$R8$Q

Arguments 1–8:
An argument of Q causes no action. All other argument values are used as the respective substituent formulas R1R8.
Argument 9:
A value of ``S'' typesets the ring system with no double bonds (decalin). A value of ``D'' typesets the aromatic system naphthalene with alternating double bonds. All other argument values draw the partially saturated system shown above.